Monday, November 24, 2008

Pumpkin Pie Squares

This is one of my favorite recipes. I am making this for one of the deserts during Thanksgiving. It takes a little while to make but it is worth it .

1 (15 -oz) can of pumpkin
1 (12 -oz) can low-fat evaperated milk
2 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger (optional)
1/4 groud cloves

1 cup flour
1/2 cup old fashioned oats
1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons butter
Whipped cream(optional)

1. Pre heat oven to 350 grease 13x9 glass baking dish

2. To prepare crust, combine flour, oats, brown sugar and butter. using pastry blender or fork, stir until crumbly. Press into prepared pan and bake 15 Min. or until partially set.

3. To prepare filling, combine pumpkin evaporated milk, eggs, sugar, salt and spices. Pour over crust and bake 30 min.

4. To Prepare topping, combine pecans, brown sugar, and butter. Remove pan from oven and sprinkle topping over filling. Bake 15-20 min.until filling is set. Cool completely on wire rack before cutting into squares. Serve with whipped cream. Makes 30 squares.

Nutritional facts per serving: 120 Calories, 6 grams fat, 2 g protein, 16 carbohydrates, 1g fiber, 85 mg sodium.

Thanksgiving wishes

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Crosswalk

Awesome!! We complain about the cross we bear but don't realize

it is preparing us for the dip in the road that God can see and we cannot.

Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine, after the rain....
Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall;
But God's always ready, to answer your call....
He knows every heartache, sees every tear,
a word from His lips, can calm every fear...
Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish, by dawn's early light...
The Savior is waiting, somewhere above,
to give you His grace, and send you His love.
May God fill your day with blessings!!

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle!

Have a Great Day



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Monday, November 10, 2008


Wow, what a week-end. I can't believe we have SNOW!!! We moved to Show Low in Aug. And the girls have been so excited for it to snow. (They have never lived in Snow). Last night we were just finishing up with Kateland Birthday cake and looked out side and thought it was raining. I took a closer look and saw it was snowing. The girls were so excited. I think they were playing in it for about an hour. Kateland thought it was the coolest thing to have it snow on her birthday. No one could have bought her a better present. They got up this morning and got ready for school faster then ever so they could play in it before school.

The dog had mixed feelings for the snow rascal who is three has never seen snow. He wanted nothing to do with it. Rockett who will be 1 in Feb. loved it she couldn't get enough of it. she has played in it as much as the girls.

Marty Finally got to go fishing this weekend. He went to Sunrise lake with a couple of other guys and actually did pretty good. He caught his limit and his friends limit on trout. It was very clod when he got there. I think he said it was 18 degrees. There was ice on the edge of the lake. Now he can't wait to go Ice fishing.

And finally, it was Kateland 11th birthday. I can't believe she is 11. Time sure does fly by. She was going through my recipe books and found a Cake she wanted. It was called dessert for an angel. It is angel food cake cut into 3 sections with cool-whip, lime, and sweetened condensed milk mixed up for the filling and frosting then coconut sprinkled on top of it all. It was very tasty.


Saturday, November 1, 2008


Here are a few pictures of our girls getting ready for trick or trunk in town. WE live so far out. and in the woods so no one comes out trick or treating. The city of Show Low put on a trick or trunk for the kids. It was pretty good. they even had a little haunted house the girls loved it.

This is a view from my bedroom windows. I wake up to this every morning between 5:30-6:00. What a way to be woke up. Definitely a great way to start the day.