Sunday, August 2, 2009

A visit from Smokey

So when life gives you lemons you go camping. For those of you that haven't heard I lost my job on the 28th of July. very shocking but should have seen the signs. I thought I was going in for a meeting about the Girl who was Making gift baskets for the store and boy was I ever wrong.I guess that Is what happens when the big boss finds someone she thinks would do a better job then you.. oh well, such is life right?
I guess there is a first time for ever thing. I have never in my life been fired from a job. I guess it stings a little bit. I was so proud of what I was doing and what I was a part of I poured my heart and soul into that job.
Well any ways I needed a break from reality and just so happened to have some extra time on my hands so we went camping in our favorite place, Bear canyon. We have been going camping there for years even went bear hunting in Bear canyon and never got a glimpse of a bear. That all changed this weekend. I was up before every one else so I decided to spend some quiet time outside and think about what my next step in life would be. I was sitting facing the forest watching the sun come through the trees when I saw something move. To mt surprise it was a bear. I was so excited and a little scared at first. I woke up Marty but the bear had all ready moved on.
So we decided to take the girls on a little four Wheeler ride before all the trails got to busy.we Locked up the camper except for one window we left open a little bit so the camper wouldn't get to stuffy. we were on our way back and some one stopped us and told us a bear broke into our camper. we of course expected the worse.The bear had gotten into the window we had left open. he broke the screen and climbed in. Our camp neighbors scared it out but not before it made a huge mess. Bears apparently like peanut butter cup bars. there was a half a pan left and he licked it and bit it clean. He must have been thirsty after that because put holes in Leigha's water bottle and emptied it. That wasn't quite enough for him so he went through the cupboard and found the hot chocolate. He must not of liked it to well (It was sugar free) he dumped it out all over one of the seats. Then he went back to find the marshmallow's. We know because there was hot chocolate paw prints on everything all over the counter top and he even got hot choco drule on the cups in the cupboard. He even tore the bottom of my purse to try to get my glucose tabs. very exciting times!! After some time we got the huge mess cleaned up,Garbage all over everything. We locked the camper back up and headed for town to get more marshmallows. When we got back the bear had tried to get in for seconds, we had nose prints all over the window and claw marks on the propane tank cover where he had tried to get on top of the trailer.. Thank goodness he wasn't that big he was a juvenile bear the ranger figured about a yearling. He wasn't very afraid of people. Marty and I let him get about 10ft from us before we blew him with the air horn. He didn't go very far i think he just went off to take a nap and gear up for round three. we went for anther ride on the quads. This time he climbed all over our truck. we had some nice paw print on the windshield of the truck to look at on the way home. Quite the adventure. I will hopefully have some pictures to prove my adventure. The people next to us said they would e-mail the to us.

1 comment:

Faith Family said...

Wow Jeanne! That is a crazy story! I can't believe you weren't scared. I'd be high-tailing it outta there. I'm such a chicken.
Sorry about your job. My sister just lost hers unexpectantly, too, after working there for years. It's very humiliating and humbling. I hope you can find a very good replacement soon! She is going to college. Her job at least offered her that, which was nice. Anyway, post the pics of this if you ever get them!